Meeting Program
The following is a list of the lead speakers for the six conference sessions.
| Forest Rohwer (SDSU) "Welcome and Introduction" |
| William Summers (Yale University) "Foundation of the American Phage Group and Discipline Formation" |
| Betty Kutter (Evergreen College) "Working Historically and Collaboratively to Jump-Start Phage Therapy" |
| Allan Campbell (Stanford University) "Current Work on Classical Phages: Major Revisions or Minor Refinements?" |
| Douglas Berg (Washington University, UCSD) "Transposable Elements in a Phage World Context" |
| Moselio Schaechter (Tufts Univ., SDSU, UCSD) "History of Cold Spring Harbor Labs" |
| Jack Johnson (The Scripps Research Institute) "Virus Maturation: Phage Leads the Way" |
| Partho Ghosh (UCSD) "Anticipatory Binding in Phage" |
| Lin Chao (UCSD) "Phage Age?" |
| Paul Turner (Yale University) "Evolution of Fitness Trade-Offs in Phage" |
| Frede Thingstad (University of Bergen) "Theoretical Consequences of Assuming Strain-Specific Viruses" |
| Jed Fuhrman (University of Southern California) "How Marine Viruses Entered the Mainstream: A Historical Perspective" |
| Ken Stedman (Portland State University) "From Weird to Wonderful: Archaeophage to Archaeal Viruses" |
| Peter Salamon (SDSU) "Bacteriophage Thermodynamics" |
| Maria Alejandra Bautista (University of Illinois, Champaign-Urbana) "Virus-Induced Dormancy in Sulfolobus islandicus" |
| Ry Young (Texas A&M) "A Century of Lysis: From Simple Enzymology to Molecular Gymnastics" |
| Nick Conley (EpiBiome, Inc) "Phage Therapy in Agriculture" |
| Karen Shaw (AmpliPhi) "Engage the Phage: Treatments for Bacterial Infections" |
| Kevin Hockett (University of Arizona) "Independent Acquisition of a Phage Toxin in Pseudomonas" |
| Joe Pogliano (UCSD) "Phage and the Origin of Eukaryotic Life" |
| Nicholas Shikuma (California Institute of Technology) "Phage and Phage-like Elements as Agents of Bacterium-Animal Interactions" |
| Fawzy Hashem (University of Maryland Eastern Shore) "Controlling Ineffective Bradyrhizobia with Bacteriophage to Enhance Nodulation and Growth of Soybean" |
| Alejandro Reyes Munoz (Universidad de los Andes, Colombia) "Phage Biology: Another Century Creating New Sciences" |
| Bradley Bearson (USDA, ARS, National Laboratory of Agriculture and the Environment)) "Fluoroquinolone Induction of Phage-mediated Gene Transfer in Multidrug-resistant Salmonella" |
| Jeff Roberts (Cornell University) "History of Phage Research" |
| Justin Meyer (UCSD) "Phage Experimental Evolution and Its Future Synergies with Synthetic Biology" |
| Lisa Zeigler (JCVI) "There’s a Phage in the Cell on the Rock in the Vent in the Hole in the Bottom of the Sea" |
| David Lipson (SDSU) "Metagenomic Investigation of Viruses in Arctic Soil" |
| Antoni Luque (SDSU) "Modeling the Physical Properties of Bacteriophage Capsids" |
| Gregory Weiss (UCI) "Putting Phage to Work: Cancer Sensing with Viruses Integrated into Electronics" |